Jill Ash Dentist

Summer brushing and flossing routines!

School’s out for the summer!

With kids out of school for the summer, their daily routines and schedules become significantly less rigid, leaving more time for fun in the sun! However, one daily routine that needs to remain in our kids’ schedules is brushing and flossing daily. In fact, for many of our young patients who are just beginning to floss or are still struggling with flossing, summer is the perfect time to add daily flossing to their schedule.  At Valley Creek Family Dentistry we tell kids, “Your summer homework is to floss, floss, floss!”  We recommend our kids brush after breakfast and again before bed or after the last food they have eaten for the day, just in case they are too tired to brush before bed, or are late night snackers. Flossing after breakfast or before bed are both good choices as long as they fit it into their daily routine!

Have a fabulous summer!

Valley Creek Family Dentistry

6949 Valley Creek Road Ste. 100

Woodbury, MN 55125

Brushing and flossing with summer routine


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