Jill Ash Dentist

Periodontal Care

periodontal care

Healthy teeth and gums are keys to life long oral health. Dentists are not only concerned about cavities; tooth decay is only half the story. In fact, you are more likely to lose teeth because of periodontal disease than from decay. Periodontal disease is an advanced infection of the gum tissue. The beginning stage is called gingivitis. You might notice bleeding gums when you brush or floss your teeth, or you might not notice anything. The symptoms of periodontal disease are often hard to detect. That is why it is important to see you dentist and hygienist regularly.

Advanced periodontal disease will destroy bone and other supporting tissues, causing the teeth to get loose and fall out.

Gingivitis can be effectively treated with a thorough cleaning and proper home care. More advanced cases will require scaling and root planing, or possibly even a referral to a specialist.

Periodontal problems start with tartar and plaque which contain bacteria and constantly builds up on teeth. That is why it is important to have a hygienist clean your teeth at least twice a year. It is also why the pockets (the depth of the space between tooth and gum) are measured every time your teeth are cleaned.

When it comes to periodontal disease we firmly believe that prevention is much, much better than the cure.

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